"Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings."
"Lord, have mercy on me" is a cry throughout our scriptures. It is a humble cry of our realization of our finiteness as we gaze upon God's infiniteness. Our humble cry is taking what we are, that which we have done- our good moments of life as well as those moments we regret- and lay them to the side and simple say...
Lord, have mercy.
I have seen too many people use this phrase as a whip to beat themselves up. Through their remorse or sense of guilt, they believe they are unworthy. Yet, in light of our scriptures, this phrase drips with the humility that reminds us that we exist in the midst of One who is merciful, who abounds with grace because His very nature is Love! This prayer is one of acknowledgement that we exist solely by God's mercy.
As we rest in the realization that you and I cannot coerce or manipulate God to answer prayers or be what we want God to be for us, we turn to a new freedom of saying "Lord, have mercy on me." This humble prayer is one that has writing in the parentheses
(I'm willing to become what You would have me be).
What would happen if we lived in an economy of grace in which our humble prayer is to allow God to do in us what we have yet been able to do- to provide peace, joy and freedom? If we lived as God has called us to be, would we find that we are more grace-filled? More guided by trust and hope rather than fear? Willing to see that serving others is our high calling rather than serving ourselves?
During the services, we anointed people with oil in the ancient tradition of consecrating (setting apart) a people to God. We said "You have been set apart by God and for God! In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit." Now that we accept this as our call, how do we live into the new life that Jesus promised us? How does it impact you as a person that God has set you apart for His larger purpose?
Perhaps this week, our time spent with God should be focused on the prayer- Lord, have mercy. Allow it to simmer...allow the Spirit to guide...allow yourself to let go of your life and find true life!
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