Let me explain...
We have heard the Christmas tale as something that all happens in a night. Yet if we read the only two Gospels with Jesus' birth story, we find that they tell two different narratives. In one, Joseph's experience in Matthew is marked by his wrestling with what to do and an angelic intervention that culminates with the simple 25th verse- "He had no union with her until she gave birth to a son. And he gave him the name Jesus." Between that verse and 2:11, it appears that some time has passed- most believe two years (2:16). What happened between Jesus' birth and the visit of the Magi?
Or if you prefer the Lukan text, we have Mary as the primary person in which the angel Gabriel appears to her and by the end, she is at peace with being pregnant. While 'with child,' she visits a relative who is also pregnant with a child (John the Baptist) who leaps in her womb and Elizabeth declares how blessed Mary is. Upon this interchange, the beautiful words of Mary are followed. Soon after Jesus' birth is shared in Luke 2, angels and shepherds have an interaction and they head to see this child. Upon their return, they can’t help but worship!
When the narratives are combined, they make for a majestic story! Angels appearing to both Mary and Joseph, to Zechariah and to shepherds as well! Another child leaping in a womb! Two songs of praise by Mary and Zechariah! A birth in a barn! Magi following a star, interceding on Jesus’ behalf. It is a lot to take in!
Yet, in the shadows, are untold stories. In the shadows are the details of the parents delight over a son. In the shadows are the first coo’s, the first flip by the baby, the first crawling around the house, the first word spoken by Jesus. In the shadows are Mary and Joseph’s response to Magi appearing at their home.
In the shadows remain the fullness of the mystery of our Christmas story. And I suppose that is what has always been, and will be, for us- the great mystery! The shadowy details invite us to dig deeper, to imagine, to paint pictures in our mind and on canvas, of what it must have been like.
Or perhaps it is as simple as pondering such a phrase from the mouth of an angel… “Greetings, favored one! The Lord is with you!” (Luke 1:28) Yes, Emmanuel- God with us…He is really with us and that is just what we need to hear once again this Christmas.
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